A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the...
Ointment Rodopes - antiviral remedy, especially effective against the herpes virus. Prevents the formati...
Sirupus Causuroni - cough suppressant, expectorant and bronchodilatative reme...
Fatsiphloginum exhibits anti-inflammatory [antiphlogogenic], analgetic [analgesic, antinociceptive...
Flaroninum - 3 rhamnogalaqtozido-7-rhamnozyl-3,5,7,4’-tetraoxiflavon from leaves and flowers...
Bentobolum - natural intestinal detoxifying remedy contains Georgian origin bentonite clay from Asc...
Ginkgo-Bathi is a nootropic and psychostimulating drug, improves blood flow, regul...
Colchicinum interferes with mitotic cellular division, suppresses migration of leukocytes and phagocytos...
Effective non-hormonal anabolic drug: improves skeletal muscle trophism and as a result it generally st...
Unguentum Psorantroni C
Aantipsoriotic treatment
Caripazim® - Ukraine
A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the...
Caripazim® - Turkmenistan
A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the...
Caripazim® - Azerbaijan
A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the...
Caripazim® - Kyrgyzstan
A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the...
Caripazim® - Russian federation
A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the...
Caripazim® - Moldovia
A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the...