
Caripazim® - Russian federation

Caripazim® - Russian federation

A complex of proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, obtained from the milk-juice of the immature fruits of the melon tree (papaya). The active components of the drug are: papain, chymopapain A, chymopapain B, peptidases A and B, as well as the mucolytic enzyme lysozyme.

Сertificate of registrationСertificate of registration
Instructions for use


Trade name:  Caripazim

International non-patented name:-

Dosage form:

Lyophilized powder for solution for external use


Enzymes obtained from dried milk juice of the melon tree Carica papaya L., papaev family - Caricaceae with a total proteolytic activity of 350 PE: papain, chymopapain A, chymopapain B, peptidase A and B, mucolytic enzyme - lysozyme.


White-yellowish lyophilized powder or porous mass with a faint specific odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Proteolytic agent

ATC code: [D03B]

Pharmacological features:

External proteolytic agent. It removes necrotic tissues and  viscous secretion, dilutes exudates and  blood clots. Similar in action to chymotripsin and trypsin.


When used externally, the drug is not absorbed and has no systemic effects on the body.

The enzymes that make up Karipazim are destroyed and completely biotransformed in the liver

Therapeutic indications:

Caripazim is used in the Treatment of third degree burn, to interfere with scab formation and clear the granulation tissue of wounds from necrotic suppurative tissue debris;    


Increased individual sensitivity to the drug; Pregnancy, lactation;

Dosage and Directions for use:

Caripazim is administered locally in the treatment of burn wound infections, as solutions with concentrations 17.5PU/ml, 35 PU/ml, 70 PU/ml depending upon scab thickness. Solution is to be prepared immediately before usage, dissolved in 0.5% aqueous solution of novocaine or natrium chloride isotonic solution. Absorbent paper wetted with the said solution is put on the burn surface area, and then covered by moistureproof bandage. Simultaneously solution is applied to 30% of the body area. Bandage is changed daily or twice a day, removing loose distal necrotic tissues. Treatment cours lasts for 4-12 days.

Side effects:

An allergic reaction.

No overdose has been identified

Interaction with other medicinal products:

Interaction of clinical significance with other medicinal products has not been established.

Special instructions:

The drug does not adversely affect the ability to drive and use machines;

Release form:

350 pe lyophilized powder for solution for external use. Each vial with instructions is placed in a cardboard box..

Storage instructions:

Store at a dry place at +2 + 8°C; protect from light.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life:

2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Mode of dispensing:

With a prescription.


LEPL TSMU Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry

Address: Georgia, Tbilisi 0159, p. Sarajishvili st. №36

Phone: 253-14-94, 252-19-04

