Direction of lipids and anthraquinones

Direction of lipids and anthraquinones
Direction of lipids and anthraquinones

Personnel: Principal scientific researcher B. Kikalishvili, Senior scientific researcher Ts. Sulakvelidze; Scientific researcher M. Malania

History: The study of plant lipids and their curative use was laid the foundation at the Institute of Pharmacochemistry in 1960, while the Direction of Lipids and Anthraquinones has been operating at the Scientific Research department since 2006.

The goal and objectives of the study: The goal of the study is to explore some plants growing in Georgia for the content of lipids, anthraquinones and accompanying biologically active substances in order to use them in medicine, pharmacy, perfumery, cosmetology and food industry.

Phytochemical study of some plants growing or cultivated in Georgia.

Thorough chemical study of perspective curative vegetation raw materials for the content of lipids, anthraquinones and accompanying biologically active substances.

Identification of specific pharmacological activity, toxicity and harmlessness of the active substance obtained from the study vegetation objects. 

Methods of the study: Physical, chemical and physical-chemical methods of the study were used to realize the set objectives.

Study direction: developing curricula for MA and doctoral students.

Expert and consultation direction: Expertise of scientific works and dissertation theses.

Major outcomes of the study: The oils produced for the curative plants growing or cultivated in Georgia have strong gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, cytostatic and wound healing actions.

Following the high physiological activity of the vegetation oils, biologically active food additives rich in Omega-3 can be produced.

The following medications are produced; Digipurol, Helipol, Tsarubol (Cristabol).

As for anthraquinones, clinically approved preparation against psoriasis “Psorantroni C” was produced.

The following normative-technical documents were developed and approved; laboratory regulation and temporary pharmacopoeia article for 0,5% and 1,5% of Psorantroni C ointment.

Publications: number of scientific articles; 80 and that of international and national conferences: 30.

The last 5 years of lipid and anthraquinone publications

1. B.kikalishvili, D.Zurabashvili, D.Turabelidze, L.Shanidze, M.Nikolaishvili

The fatty acid composition of ordinary flex seed oil (linum usitatisimum L.) cultivated in Georgia and biological activity. Georgian Medical News. 2 (227), 2014. 86-88.

2. B.kikalishvili, D.Zurabashvili, D.Turabelidze, Dj.Aneli, L.Shanidze

The fatty acid composition of large pumpkin seed oil (Cucurbitae maxima duch.) cultivated in Georgia. Georgian  Medical News. N 9 (234), 2014.p.138-141.

3. B.kikalishvili, D.Zurabashvili, Ts.Sulakvelidze, M.Malania, D.Turabelidze

The study of lipids in seed of  Amaranthus blitoides S.Wats growing in Georgia.

Georgian Medical News.N 6 (243), 2015. p.76-78/VII.

4. B.Kikalisvili, Ts.Sulakvelidze, N.Vachnadze, M.Malania, D.Turabelidze

Lipids of some alkaloid-containing plants growing in Georgia. Tbilisi State Medical University, collection of scientific works.XLIX,2015.p.71-73.

5. B.kikalishvili, D.Zurabashvili, Ts.Sulakvelidze, M.Malania, D.Turabelidze

Study of lipids seeds oil of  Vitexs agnus castus growing in Georgia.

Georgian  Medical News. N 7-8 (256-257), 2016. p.77-81.

6. B.kikalishvili,N.Gorgaslidze,D.Zurabashvili,Ts.Sulakvelidze,M.Malania, D.Turabelidze

Study of lipids the fruits of usual Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) growing in Georgia.

Georgian  Medical News N5,(226) 2017. p.74-79.

7. B.kikalishvili,N.Gorgaslidze,Ts.Sulakvelidze,M.Malania,N.Urushadze, D.Turabelidze

Study of some plant seed lipids growing in Georgia.

Georgian  Medical News. N 11, 2017. p.133-137.

8. B. Kikalishvili, Ts. Sulakvelidze, M. Malania, M. Getia, D. Turabelidze
 Study of lipids from fruits of some plants growing in Georgia

 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical  Research/Human.

 vol:15. Issue 4. 2019.

9. B. Kikalishvili, Ts. Sulakvelidze, M. Malania, M. Getia, D. Turabelidze

   Study of the lipid composition of some plants growing in Georgia.

   International Academy Journal Web of Sholar. ISSN 2518-16X 24 3(33).2019.

Cooperation of lipids and anthraquinones with foreign scientific centers.

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University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, 555, boulevard de l’Université Chicoutimi (Quebec) Canada  G7H 2B1, 418 545-5011, 1 800 463-9880 , Laboratoire d’analyse et de séparation des essences végétales (LASEVE), Director : André Pichette